The ACT Government is delivering a fairer and easier way to live and work together. The Managing Buildings Better reforms amend legislation related to unit titles (often referred to a strata or unit title management) to improve the management of apartments, townhouses and mixed-use developments and commercial units.
The Building (Swimming Pool Safety) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 1 November 2023 and introduces new rules for swimming pool safety barriers in the ACT.
The City Plan is a key strategic planning document that provides a long-term vision for how the city looks, feels, and is used.
The ACT Government has commenced planning work on the Southern Gateway Corridor.
Latest Development Applications

Place Names
The ACT's suburb, street and place names are a tribute to Australia’s remarkable people, its geography, heritage and history.
Some commemorated people were well known, while others were quiet achievers. Our Indigenous heritage, our national treasures and wonderful stories are drawn together and reflected in the national capital's place names.
Discover place names