The City Plan was released in November 2023 and provides a refresh to the original City Plan approved in 2014. It gives clear direction for the future growth of the City Centre. The City Plan will guide the growth of how our City Centre will look, feel, and is used now and into the future.
What is the City Plan?
The City Plan [16.7 MB] is a document that plans how the City Centre will grow into the future. It guides how land will be used and how developments should occur so that we can improve the City Centre, and ensure it remains Canberra’s cultural and economic hub. The updated City Plan builds on the work of the Inner North and City District Strategy in the new planning system. It sets a clear path forward to help create a more vibrant, active, inclusive, and safer City Centre for residents, business, and visitors.
The City Centre Urban Design Guide works alongside the Territory-wide Urban Design Guide and supports the City Plan to provide design guidance for developments in the City Centre and its unique characteristics.
How we created the City Plan
In February and March 2023, we asked you for feedback and comments on the draft City Plan [16.7 MB] and the draft Canberra City Centre Urban Design Framework (which has now become the City Centre Urban Design Guide. We did this through online presentations, a YourSay engagement, an online portal for questions and comments, as well as community forums for the District Strategies. These forums included workshops, pop-up events, and listening spaces. The feedback from these efforts helped shape the final version of both the City Plan and the City Centre Urban Design Guide.