• An Entertainment Precinct is an identified area where the focus is on existing and future nightlife activities, including live music.
  • The Territory Plan 2023 identifies entertainment precincts in the City Centre and Gungahlin.
  • Entertainment Precincts are part of the ACT Government’s plan to improve the ACT’s night-time economy.

The night-time economy is a key contributor to Canberra’s social, cultural and economic vitality. An Entertainment Precinct is an identified area where the existing and future nightlife activities are prioritised and supported. Night-time activities can include restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, retail, live music, cultural events and more.

The Territory Plan 2023 identifies two entertainment precincts:

  • The City Centre Entertainment Precinct (CCEP) is identified in the Inner North and City District Policy. It comprises a Core and a Frame area. The Core is centred around Garema Place and the Sydney Building where there is a concentration of nightlife activity. The Frame contains a variety of venues which contribute to the entertainment scene, and acts as a transition of noise levels between the Core and the rest of the City Centre. The introduction of the CCEP supports the strategic planning direction of the Inner North and City District Strategy [40.9 MB] and the City Plan.
  • The Gungahlin Entertainment Precinct is identified in the Gungahlin District Policy . It is located in the Gungahlin Town Centre. This supports the direction provided in Gungahlin District Strategy [65.0 MB].

There are specific Territory Plan Assessment Requirements for development in entertainment precincts, which include:

  • Developments should help make the area more vibrant, including supporting entertainment and nightlife activity;
  • Entertainment venues must consider how they manage loud music, especially bass sounds, through building design and venue management; and
  • Buildings must meet soundproofing standards to reduce incoming noise, including bass sounds.

The planning requirements work together with the Environment Protection Regulation 2005, which sets noise standards. There are specific noise requirements in entertainment precincts especially for low frequency bass sounds from live and amplified music. Further information about the noise standards is available on the Access Canberra Noise Portal webpage.

Understanding Entertainment Precincts

Entertainment Precincts are used in Australia and around the world, protecting areas known for nightlife and music. Examples of entertainment precincts include Fortitude Valley in Brisbane, Southport in the Gold Coast and Enmore Road in Sydney. Each place has its own rules to support these areas.

There are benefits to how Entertainment Precincts have been set up in the ACT:

  • They provide certainty for developers, business owners and residents so they know what is expected in these areas;
  • They show that these areas support entertainment and nightlife activity;
  • They protect existing venues and make it easier for new ones to open; and
  • The rules apply to an entire area and not individual developments, unlike an ‘order of occupancy’ approach.

Outside of these precincts, the ACT planning framework supports entertainment uses through zoning, development requirements and encouraging the co-location of complementary land uses.

Current work

The ACT Government is reviewing rules and government processes that impact businesses and other stakeholders in the night-time and entertainment economy. A summary of consultation activities is available on the YourSay Conversations Night-Time Economy page.

Project History and Resources

The Urban Sounds Discussion Paper 2016 considered how to manage noise in areas where people live close to nightlife.

In response to a motion from the Legislative Assembly, the Entertainment Action Plan 2019 [3.3 MB] was developed. The focus of the action plan was to create designated areas for live entertainment through changes to planning policy and regulation. The Action Plan was finalised through consultation with entertainment venues, music industry and property industry representatives. Read the workshop summary report [349.1 KB] for further information.

The 10th Legislative Assembly Parliamentary and Governing Agreement [468.3 KB] commits to establishing entertainment precincts. This builds on the Entertainment Action Plan [3.3 MB], which uses the Territory Plan as the main way  for legislative change. It also confirms the City Centre as the location of the first entertainment precinct.

More information

For more information on the Better Regulation Taskforce’s night-time economy vision and regulatory reform, visit the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development webpage.