
If your complaint relates to land, planning and building, contact Access Canberra by submitting feedback or a complaint.

Some complaints can be complex and may take time to assess. Access Canberra will keep you up to date about the progress of your complaint.

For any other complaint, fill out the online feedback form.


Sometimes disputes might happen between:

  • builders
  • trade contractors
  • architects
  • designers and consumers.

This might happen for a few reasons, like:

  • incorrect or insufficient documentation
  • poor communication
  • poor quality of work
  • delays in supply and construction
  • lack of knowledge or experience in the building process.

Issues in dispute

If it looks like you may end up in a dispute, don’t wait and get help early. There are options available if negotiations between you and your builder break down and work is not completed. Resolving the dispute early may result in a better outcome.

As soon as you identify an issue or have a concern, raise this with your builder in writing. Your builder should take steps to address your concerns.

If the issues aren't resolved and are about building or planning compliance, and construction is underway, talk to your building certifier. You can also consider making a complaint to Access Canberra.

The building certifier is appointed by the land owner and not the builder. They work to meet the building and planning laws.

If you have concerns about your contract, like payments, quality of inclusions, or communication, contact:

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