Find the current development applications (DA) that the Territory Planning Authority is currently considering, and decided applications below.

If you would like to provide feedback on a DA, and the DA is on notification, please submit a written representation stating the reasons for your submission. A representation must be made during the public notification period to be considered during the assessment of the development application.


Current development applications

Please note: The plans and documents on this page are supplied by third parties for public notification and assessment under the Planning Act 2023 (the Act). The Authority doesn't claim the accuracy of the documents provided by third parties.

Decided DAs

The records on this page date back to 2019. Decided DAs will be available on this website for 5 years after decisions.

Each record includes:

  • summary details, including the decision
  • the notice of the decision
  • all documentation available during public notification.

Download the DA Finder+ App for Android and iPhone

The DA Finder+ app is a free, easy way to see decided DAs on your mobile device.

Download the app on the Google Play store and the App store.

Please contact the Gateway Team if you:

  • can't access a DA
  • notice any errors with an application
  • would like to inspect an application in person
  • want to know about an application that is not visible in the search, or
  • have any other questions.

Privacy and data

We have developed DA Finder App to provide users with information on current and historic development and planning activity in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The App displays DA information which may contain personal information of the applicant and lessee. This information collected and displayed in accordance with public notification requirements under the Planning Act 2023.

The DA Finder App itself does not collect any user data and does not share any user data with third party companies or organisations.