The ACT Surveyor-General is a statutory role appointed by the Director-General under the Surveyors Act 2007.

The OSGLI consists of several teams with responsibilities summarised below.

Survey Team

Regulating the surveying profession within the ACT in accordance with the Surveyors Act 2007, associated Practice Directions and Surveyor-General Guidelines (search for Surveyors guideline), including:

ACTMapi Team

Providing accessible and accurate spatial data information analytics to Government, industry and the community including land boundaries, land use, roads, topography, heights, contours, infrastructure, environmental attributes, place names, addresses, land titles, licences. This is achieved through a variety of information systems including maintenance of the Spatial Data Management System (SDMS) and the main viewing application, ACTmapi.

Place Names Unit

Developing policy and undertaking consultation and research in line with legislative requirements to recommend division names and public place names to the Minister and the Minister’s delegate. The team provide Secretariat services to the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee.

Addressing team

Formalising addressing for new developments and maintaining up to date land title information systems.

Business support team

Providing the OSGLI professional business support services including policy development, executive and Ministerial liaison, stakeholder engagement and communications, project management, procurement, business strategy, financial management, and general administration.


ACT Surveyors Registrar:


Data and Addressing:

Examination and Control:

Place Names: